Thursday 13 March 2008

Blog Reflection

I feel that this blog has helped me to organise and write down my ideas more efficiently. It keeps them all in the one place, so that if I ever need to find them again it is easy. At first I wasn't sure of what I was meant to be posting but after a while it became easier. I worked on my ideas over the last few weeks and then posted them all yesterday, in the right order. The only thing that worries me about posting ideas online is that they can easily be stolen, but for the purpose of this module it worked out well.

Lexsys - Kevin Photoshop Painting

This is a photoshop painting of my character Kevin Romero, from the story 'Lexsys'.

Wednesday 12 March 2008

Lexsys - Alex Photoshop Painting

I have further developed the design of the character Alex Mendez from the 'Lexsys' story.

Lexsys - Travis Photoshop Painting

Here I have further developed the character design of Anthony Travis for the story 'Lexsys'.

Lexsys - Character Profile - Travis

This is the profile for my character 'Travis' from the Lexsys story.

NAME: Anthony Travis

NICKNAME: 'Travis'

OCCUPATION: Bike Messenger for Lexsys Courier Service

BIOGRAPHY: He grew up in a poor area, living with his father. He has never met his mother. His father did his best to provide for them but when Travis was 14 he tragically died of a heart attack. With the little money they had left, Travis moved to the city with a few possessions and some of his fathers photographs. For a while he was living on the streets because he could not afford to stay in his fathers house anymore. He began looking for a job, but many places turned him down due to his age. However, he came across an advert for Lexsys Courier Service in a discarded newspaper and decided it was worth a try. They hired him on the spot and he has been working there ever since. His best friends Kevin, Alex and Mel also work there and he now shares a flat with Alex.

AGE: 21

HEIGHT: 6ft 3in

BODY TYPE: Slim, athletic figure.


EYES: Green

HAIR: He has stylish black hair, occasionally with some blonde or green dye through it and a goatee. His hair is messy and reaches to his jaw line.

CLOTHING STYLE: Usually he wears his bike messenger gear; a tight cycling top with a t-shirt over it, baggy three quarter length shorts, cycle shoes, fingerless gloves for grip, a hat, and lots of chains. Another item he is always carrying would be his messenger bag.

GENERAL DEMEANOR: Easy-going, takes life as it comes.

BEST QUALITIES: He is very likeable, and a good listener. He is always there for his friends, and considers them to be his family. He is generally calm, caring and honest.

WORST QUALITIES: He can be too relaxed. He daydreams a lot, which sometimes makes him appear to be quite clueless. He doesn't like to talk about himself.

WEAKNESSES: He has trouble getting over his fathers death, and finds it hard to trust new people that he meets.

HOBBIES: Cycling, working out, listening to music and photography.

TALENTS: He is a good artist and writer.


- He always wears his fingerless gloves.

- He would do anything for his three companions.

- He is always carrying a photograph of his father.

- He has almost always got headphones around his neck.

Concept Sketches:

Lexsys - Character Profile - Kevin

This is the profile for my character 'Kevin' from the Lexsys story.

NAME: Kevin Romero


OCCUPATION: Bike Messenger for Lexsys Courier Service

BIOGRAPHY: Kevin has always lived in the city, and at an early age he had to look after himself. His mother and father were never around much, and when he turned 16 he moved to his own apartment. He lived near Lexsys Courier Service and applied for a job when he first moved in. He has been working there ever since.

AGE: 24

HEIGHT: 6ft 1in

BODY TYPE: Toned, muscular figure.


EYES: Brown

HAIR: He has blonde dreadlocks, reaching to his shoulders.

CLOTHING STYLE: He usually always wears a hat to keep his dreadlocks out of his face. He likes wearing sleeveless tops with lots of beaded necklaces and bracelets, and baggy jeans/trousers. Like the others he wears cycling shoes.

GENERAL DEMEANOR: Quiet and mysterious.

BEST QUALITIES: He doesn't talk too much about himself, but he is a good listener. He is very logical and a quick thinker.

WORST QUALITIES: He can be mean or aggressive if annoyed, or not in a good mood.

WEAKNESSES: He is unable to communicate well with others.

HOBBIES: Writing and playing music, rock climbing.

TALENTS: He is very good at creating music.


- He always wears his beaded necklaces and bracelets.

- He never says too much about himself.

Concept Sketches:

Lexsys - Character Profile - Alex

This is the profile for my character 'Alex' from the Lexsys story.

NAME: Alexander Mendez


OCCUPATION: Bike Messenger for Lexsys Courier Service

BIOGRAPHY: Alex grew up in a pretty normal family, not far from the city. They weren't rich by any means, but they had a decent lifestyle. He often argued with his father, and after high school he made the decision to move into the city, to avoid causing the family more problems. His first job when he moved to the city was in a newsagents, but being an energetic person he wanted more of an active job. He was hired at Lexsys Courier Service, where he would be a bike messenger, delivering packages around the city. Here he met Kev, Mel and Travis and they quickly became good friends. He has since become room mates with Travis, and still keeps in contact with his parents, though not regularly.

AGE: 22


BODY TYPE: Slim and muscular, athletic figure


EYES: Ice Blue

HAIR: He has short, spiky dirty blonde hair

CLOTHING STYLE: He is normally wearing a tank top of some kind, and trousers or shorts depending on the weather. He sometimes wears a hat and often carries his mp3 player and headphones. He also wears fingerless gloves for grip when he is working.

GENERAL DEMEANOR: He is fun and jokes a lot, but can be serious if he needs to be.

BEST QUALITIES: Being able to make people smile and have fun. He is honest, fun and very energetic.

WORST QUALITIES: He can sometimes joke at inappropriate moments, and doesn't like to take things too seriously. He can be quite aggressive if someone provokes him, but not towards any of his friends.

WEAKNESSES: He is not as intellectual as the others.

HOBBIES: Working out, listening to music, break-dancing and playing basketball.

TALENTS: He is naturally good at sports.


- He is protective of his friends, to the point where he can be aggressive.

- He is always quite energetic.

- He always carries his mp3 player wherever he goes.

- He doesn't like to talk about his family.

Concept Sketches: