Wednesday 12 March 2008

Lexsys Preliminary Story

This is a preliminary story that I created specifically for this module. It is a very rough story and needs to be developed further, but I think it would be better as a series rather than one big story.


The story follows a group of four bike messengers, who work at the company Lexsys Courier Service. It is set in a run down city in New York. The four messengers met through the company when they were younger, and over the years they have become very close friends. They consider each other family. Each day the messengers, Alex, Travis, Mel and Kev, deliver packages for Lexsys without considering what is in them, as any messenger would. The have been working there for years and go through their daily routines as usual.

Things start to get suspicious however, when they are sent to relatively unusual places to deliver packages. While leaving one of these shady places after a delivery, Kev, Travis and Mel are shocked to see Alex being dragged off his bike by multiple police officers. They watched nearby as he was handcuffed and roughly shoved into the police vehicle, Kev and Mel restraining Travis who was desperate to help his room mate. Doing so would have landed them all in jail and they would have no hope of helping Alex. One thing was for sure, he was arrested because of whatever was in the package he was delivering.

Now terrified of who they might be working for, the remaining three vow to get Alex out of jail and leave the city as soon as possible. But when the four messengers do not return, and there are rumours of an arrest, the company boss can't take any chances. Knowing they must have figured out what he was up to, he hires a team of skilled men to track them down. Kev, Travis and Mel raised enough money together to bail their friend out of jail, and quickly they started gathering their belongings, taking as little as possible. Without a lot of money, they no choice but to travel by bike which is terribly slow and exhausting. They must stop several times on their way for food, drink and rest. Sleeping on the streets meant that the little rest they did get was not particularly comfortable, but they could not afford anywhere else. They are completely unaware of the well trained team that is pursuing them, but they will find out soon enough...

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