Wednesday, 12 March 2008

2020 - Character Profile - 'link'

This is the profile for my character 'link' from the 2020 story.

NAME: Unknown

NICKNAME: 'link'

BIOGRAPHY: At the age of seventeen his parents were taken away from him by the Government, for trying to oppose them. Ever since, link has been trying to bring them down along with his two friends zero and alias. They are brother and sister, and their parents were also taken at the same time. They now treat link like a brother as well, and are trying to help him destroy the Government. Growing up in a world where nearly everything is computerized, they are smart and now know how they can succeed in their plans.

AGE: 21

HEIGHT: 6ft 2in

BODY TYPE: Slim figure.


EYES: Brown

HAIR: He has messy hair, which is dyed bright red.

CLOTHING STYLE: Normally he wears baggy trousers and a hooded top. His clothing style is generally very plain.

GENERAL DEMEANOR: Determined and stressed a lot.

BEST QUALITIES: He is very focused on what he is trying to achieve, and won't let anybody get in the way.

WORST QUALITIES: He is stressed and frustrated a lot and can be mean when annoyed, even to his best friends.

WEAKNESSES: He hates not being able to achieve is goal, and he also hates that he fears the Government and what they would do if they caught him.

HOBBIES: Computers, hacking...

TALENTS: He is talented when it comes to fixing things.


- He can never leave without his friends checking that it is safe first.

- He takes different routes if he is outside, incase he is being tracked.

- He will do anything to achieve what his parents couldn't.

- He is very protective over alias in particular.

Concept Sketches:

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