This is the profile for my character 'zero' from the 2020 story.
NAME: Unknown
NICKNAME: 'zero'
BIOGRAPHY: Zero was the youngest of the group when his parents were taken away. He couldn't understand how they could just disappear and has hope that they are still alive. He always blamed himself for not protecting them enough, even though it was not his fault. He could have done nothing to prevent it. He is now very protective over his sister alias, and swears that he will never let the same thing happen to her.
AGE: 19
BODY TYPE: Muscular figure.
EYES: Ice blue
HAIR: He has short, spiky dyed blue hair.
CLOTHING STYLE: Usually wears t-shirts with jokes or slogans on them, and blue jeans.
GENERAL DEMEANOR: He takes life as it comes.
BEST QUALITIES: He is very caring towards his friend and sister, and willing to do whatever it takes to bring the Government to justice.
WORST QUALITIES: He can be over-enthusiastic, and generally rushes in to things.
WEAKNESSES: He hates being the youngest of the group, and tries to be in charge of things to hide it.
HOBBIES: Computing, working out and listening to music.
TALENTS: He is very athletic.
- He always works out, every morning.
- He is always looking out for his sister.
- He blames himself for what happened to his parents, even though he had nothing to do with it.
Concept Sketches:
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